Global Company–Trade Union Agreements: A proxy for regulatory compliance & due diligence

Join IndustriALL Global Union and LAPFF for a webinar to discuss a new investor brief on Global Company–Trade Union Agreements. Learning lessons from the failures of “social auditing” and factory certification schemes, this newer model is centered on workers’ rights and company accountability for violations of these rights. Negotiated, binding agreements can also serve as a reliable proxy for investors for regulatory compliance as mandatory human rights due diligence (mHRDD) laws emerge. Speakers will include Due Diligence Design, Aviva Investors, IndustriALL Global Union and Bangladesh Garment & Industrial Workers Federation (BGIWF). The event will be chaired by LAPFF Vice-Chair, Cllr John Gray.

Workforce Risks and Opportunities at Fresenius and FMC

Join SOC Investment Group and Fresenius Global Union Alliance for this webinar on the growing operational and legal risks at the global health care giants Fresenius SE and FMC from a workers’ perspective, in advance of the companies’ AGMs on 16th and 17th May.

Taxing Us All: The Investor Case for Tax Transparency at Brookfield

Join the CCSN, BCGEU and CICTAR for this timely webinar on the investor case for tax transparency. The webinar will focus on the Canadian company, Brookfield Corporation - which has the largest tax gap and the most identified tax haven subsidiaries in Canada - and will go over a shareholder proposal filed by BCGEU at Brookfield on tax transparency ahead of its June 9th AGM.

Glencore Investor Pre-AGM

Please join IndustriALL Global Union and ShareAction for a virtual “pre-AGM” ahead of Glencore’s annual general meeting. The pre-AGM will give investors a chance to hear from, and speak to, several stakeholders affected by the company’s operations in the global south.

Side Event @ PRI: Global Union Briefing to Help Investors Engage on Freedom of Association

Tokyo, Japan | International Convention Center Pamir

Wednesday, October 4th, 2023 | 8:00am – 9:00am JST

In this PRI in Person Side Event, the Global Unions’ Committee on Workers’ Capital will convene investor participants to help them cut through common challenges when the ILO fundamental labour right of freedom of association and collective bargaining is at play in company engagements.