April 26, 2022
The Hub engages capital market actors to drive meaningful changes down the investment chain. We offer research, strategy, capacity building, and project coordination support to global trade unions and labour rights organizations seeking to engage capital market actors.
The Hub works with a vast network of investors, including asset owners and asset managers.
The Hub offers “capital strategies” support to trade unions and labour rights organizations. Capital strategies identify and target points of influence within capital markets to leverage the power of invested capital to align company practices with broad, long-term societal goals.
The long-term performance of investments depends on stable and healthy social and ecological systems. Aligning corporate practices with labour and social standards can help companies and investors mitigate risks. Upholding human rights and social standards contributes to broader income and wealth equality, equity, and inclusion goals. This brings benefits to both investors and the companies in which they invest.
Capital strategies have been used by trade unions, environmental justice, and indigenous movements to generate positive outcomes for workers and other stakeholders suffering adverse impacts.
We invite trade unions and labour rights organizations to contact us to explore whether capital strategies and the Hub may advance their objectives.
Campaigns tend to be grounded in requests to uphold international norms and frameworks, like the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
Explore related resources including research reports, interviews, proxy guides and more.