Taxing Us All: The Investor Case for Tax Transparency at Brookfield

Join the CCSN, BCGEU and CICTAR for this timely webinar on the investor case for tax transparency. The webinar will focus on the Canadian company, Brookfield Corporation - which has the largest tax gap and the most identified tax haven subsidiaries in Canada - and will go over a shareholder proposal filed by BCGEU at Brookfield on tax transparency ahead of its June 9th AGM.

Glencore Investor Pre-AGM

Please join IndustriALL Global Union and ShareAction for a virtual “pre-AGM” ahead of Glencore’s annual general meeting. The pre-AGM will give investors a chance to hear from, and speak to, several stakeholders affected by the company’s operations in the global south.

Side Event @ PRI: Global Union Briefing to Help Investors Engage on Freedom of Association

Tokyo, Japan | International Convention Center Pamir

Wednesday, October 4th, 2023 | 8:00am – 9:00am JST

In this PRI in Person Side Event, the Global Unions’ Committee on Workers’ Capital will convene investor participants to help them cut through common challenges when the ILO fundamental labour right of freedom of association and collective bargaining is at play in company engagements.

2023 Workers’ Capital Strategy Forum

Virtual Event

This year, the Global Unions’ Committee on Workers’ Capital (CWC) invites you to join its annual gathering of global trade unions and worker nominated pension fund trustees taking place virtually from Monday, November 20- Tuesday, November 21st, 2023.

Third Member meeting of the Labour Rights Investor Network

Virtual Event

In this third edition, we will explore the phenomenon of union avoidance, the policies and practices that companies increasingly use to prevent workers from exercising their rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining. Our speaker will be John Logan, Professor and Director of Labor and Employment Studies at San Francisco State University's College of […]

Freedom of Association at SkyWest

Virtual Event

This event hosted by SOC Investment Group will focus on SkyWest Inc.’s anti-union practices and the investor risk that results from a lack of clear labour rights policies.

Labour at the Table at Amazon: 2024 Proxy Walk-through

Virtual Event

Key labour rights issues at Amazon will be discussed during this webinar hosted by SHARE and UNI Global Union. A panel featuring investors, a labour rights expert and a worker […]

Below the surface: Governance risks and ESG issues at Glencore

Virtual Event

Glencore’s (LSE:GLEN) Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on May 29th and investors are raising critical questions regarding the board’s corporate governance track record, including its oversight of environmental, social and governance (ESG)-related risks. After a turbulent year that included lawsuits filed by 197 investors due to alleged losses to shareholders following a conviction […]

Social Protection for Garment Workers – Employment Injury Scheme


Please join the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF) and IndustriALL Global Union for a one-hour investor webinar on 21 May at 3pm UK/4pm CET, when we will explore the Employment Injury Scheme (EIS) for ready-made garment […]