About our Network
The ‘Labour Rights Investor Network’ (LRIN) is a global investor network for exploring the risks and benefits associated with workers’ rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
The Network assists investors by acting as an education and exchange platform and a place to connect on issues related to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
The Network is composed of investors who commit to integrating labour rights into their stewardship practices.
The Network is open to asset managers, asset owners and other investment service providers.

What Are Labour Rights?
Labour rights are human rights. The rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining are fundamental pillars of human freedom. So, too, are freedom from forced labour, the elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation, freedom from child labour, and a safe and healthy working environment. These rights guarantee that individual workers can join together in protected concerted workplace activity to better their working lives, improve the companies they work for and contribute to the advancement of society.
For more information, read the CWC brief “Shared Prosperity.”

Why should investors care about freedom of association?
Investors have a responsibility to protect human rights. They also have an interest in doing so. When workers come together in a trade union, they can effect meaningful changes in their compensation and working conditions. In doing so, they bring valuable benefits to themselves and their companies and contributing to broader societal goals of economic growth, income and wealth equality, equity and inclusion. Companies that respect labour rights reap many benefits, such as greater productivity, safer workplaces, and improved employee engagement.
These benefits and contributions are of interest to investors. Fundamental labour rights can unlock widespread societal benefits while mitigating crucial societal and investment risks.

Related Resources
Explore related resources including research reports, interviews, proxy guides and more.